WordPress Plugins

Free Download Wordfence Pro Plugin v7.10.3

Wordfence Pro Plugin v7.10.3 offers robust security and protection for WordPress websites, ensuring a safe online environment. This premium security solution provides advanced firewall protection, malware scanning, and real-time threat detection. With regular updates and a user-friendly interface, it’s a valuable tool for safeguarding your website from hackers, malicious code, and other security threats.

The free download of Wordfence Pro Plugin v7.10.3 gives users access to essential security features, including login attempt monitoring and IP blocking. It’s a must-have for website owners who prioritize the safety of their data and the integrity of their online presence.

Wordfence Pro Features:

  1. Firewall Protection: Wordfence’s advanced firewall defends your site against various online threats, including hacking attempts, malicious traffic, and SQL injections.
  2. Malware Scanning: It performs deep server and file scans to identify and remove malware, malicious code, and suspicious files.
  3. Real-time Threat Detection: Wordfence Pro continuously monitors your site’s traffic and blocks suspicious activities and known threats in real-time.
  4. Login Security: Enhance login security with features like two-factor authentication (2FA), login attempt monitoring, and the ability to limit login attempts.
  5. IP Blocking: Block specific IP addresses or entire regions to prevent unwanted traffic and attacks from specific geographical locations.
  6. Security Alerts: Receive instant email notifications and alerts when suspicious activity or potential threats are detected on your site.
  7. Wordfence Central: Manage the security of multiple websites from a central dashboard, making it convenient for site administrators with multiple sites.
  8. Live Traffic View: Get real-time insights into your website’s traffic, including detailed information on visitors, bots, and traffic origins.
  9. Brute Force Attack Protection: Protect your site from brute force attacks by limiting login attempts and strengthening password policies.
  10. Security Scanning: Perform comprehensive scans of your site’s core files, themes, and plugins to identify vulnerabilities and outdated software.
  11. Advanced Blocking Rules: Create custom blocking rules based on specific criteria to prevent unwanted access to your website.
  12. Country Blocking: Choose to block traffic from specific countries or regions to mitigate threats from high-risk areas.

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