WordPress Plugins

WordPress Quiz Maker Pro v21.7.7 Free Download

Free Download WordPress Quiz Maker Pro  v21.7.7 / 8.7.7 = (August 14, 2023)

  • Added: Fill in the Blank Question Type
  • Added: Matching Question Type
  • Added: Question marking option for the navigation bar
  • Added: Enable question reporting option
  • Added: Allow exporting quizzes option
  • Added: Hook for Individual result
  • Added: Custom Question Count per page option
  • Added: Enable text-to-speech option
  • Added: personality_result_by_question_ids message variable
  • Added: Myers-Briggs test message variable

  • * Added: File and Clipboard Upload feature for the Generated Passwords
  • * Added: Send email to admin suboption for the Enable question reporting option
  • * Added: Reports list table on the admin dashboard
  • * Added: Information form settings section on the general settings page
  • * Added: Quiz intervals chart section on the general settings page
  • * Added: The ability to select a method for calculating Pass Score
  • * Added: The possibility to show the results by keywords with charts on each result page
  • * Added: Double-click functionality for the Information Form fields
  • * Added: Equal keywords text option
  • * Added: Disable input focusing option
  • * Added: Quiz Login Form Settings section on the general settings page
  • * Added: Results by Categories column in the Detailed Report popup on the admin dashboard
  • * Added: Results by Categories column in the User Page Settings Shortcode
  • * Added: Message variables section for the Limit Users message option

  • * Added: Enable users’ anonymous assessment suboption
  • * Added: Duplicate functionality on the Quiz categories list table
  • * Added: Font size option for the Note text option
  • * Added: Message variables section for the Heading for social media links option
  • * Added: Duplicate functionality on the Question categories list table
  • * Added: User phone message variable on the general settings
  • * Added: Message variables section for the Only for logged-in users option
  • * Added: User website message variable on the general settings page
  • * Added: Menu notifications section on the general settings page
  • * Added: Mobile font size option for the Note text option
  • * Added: User website shortcode on the general settings page
  • * Added: Enable questions numbering by category suboption

* Improved: Quizzes ordering on the Gutenberg block
* Improved: The possibility to change the rating before sending the feedback
* Improved: Some variables in the Message variables section

* Fixed: The huge amount of questions and quizzes problem on the Gutenberg page
* Fixed: PHP problem with the WPVR plugin
* Fixed: Filtering problem on all list tables
* Fixed: Deprecated expression with PHP 8.2
* Fixed: Checkbox minimum selection problem on the front-end
* Fixed: PHP problem on the front-end
* Fixed: Animation problem after clicking on the flashcard
* Fixed: Question duplicate problem
* Fixed: Trash questions export problem
* Fixed: HTML elements problem on the front end
* Fixed: Question images export/import problem

* Tested: Compatible up to 6.3
* Tested: Compatible up to PHP 8.2+

How do You Make a Quiz Maker Pro?

Quiz Maker plugin makes it incredibly easy to create online quizzes quickly. Just follow these simple steps:

  1. Create Questions: Start by crafting your quiz questions. You have various question types to choose from:
    • Radio: This is for single-choice questions with just one correct answer.
    • Checkbox: It’s for multiple-choice questions where there can be several correct answers.
    • Dropdown: Similar to radio, but it takes up less space on the screen.
    • Text: Participants can type their answers, and you can specify the correct answer from the dashboard.
    • Number: Similar to text, but participants can only input numbers.
  2. Customize Your Quiz: Once you’ve added your questions, you can customize the quiz further to match your preferences and needs.

By following these straightforward steps, you’ll have your online quiz up and running in no time, allowing you to engage your audience and collect valuable response.

WordPress Quiz Maker Pro Features:

Here are some typical features of WordPress Quiz Maker Pro:

  1. Easy Quiz Creation: Create quizzes quickly and easily using an intuitive and user-friendly interface within your WordPress dashboard.
  2. Multiple Question Types: Support for various question types, including multiple-choice, true/false, open-ended, and more, to suit different quiz needs.
  3. Quiz Grading: Automatic grading of quizzes, which can save time for educators and trainers.
  4. Quiz Timer: Set time limits for quizzes, adding an element of challenge and urgency for participants.
  5. Randomized Questions: Randomly shuffle questions to prevent cheating and ensure fairness in assessments.
  6. Customizable Quiz Layout: Customize the appearance and layout of your quizzes to match your website’s design and branding.
  7. Multimedia Integration: Add images, videos, and other multimedia elements to questions and answer choices to enhance engagement.
  8. Quiz Analytics: Monitor quiz performance with built-in analytics and reporting features to gain insights into participant results.
  9. Quiz Certificates: Automatically issue certificates to participants who pass quizzes or meet specific criteria.
  10. Email Notifications: Send automatic email notifications to participants with quiz results or other relevant information.
  11. Social Sharing: Enable participants to share their quiz results on social media, increasing engagement and site visibility.
  12. User Registration Integration: Integrate with user registration plugins, allowing you to collect participant information and track their progress.
  13. Advanced Quiz Options: Additional options such as question feedback, hints, and the ability to review correct answers after completing the quiz.
  14. Compatibility: Ensure compatibility with various themes and plugins, providing a seamless user experience.
  15. Responsive Design: Create quizzes that are responsive and mobile-friendly, ensuring accessibility on all devices.
  16. Quiz Security: Implement security features to prevent cheating, including IP blocking and limiting quiz access.
  17. Export and Import: Easily export and import quizzes for backup, sharing, or use on other WordPress websites.
  18. Role-Based Access: Assign different permissions and access levels to users based on their roles (e.g., admin, editor, participant).
  19. Multi-Language Support: Offer quizzes in multiple languages to reach a global audience.
  20. Support and Updates: Access to customer support and regular updates to keep the plugin current and secure.

Please keep in mind that the availability of specific features may vary depending on the version of WordPress Quiz Maker Pro you are using. Always refer to the official documentation or the plugin’s website for the most accurate and up-to-date information on its features and functionalities.

WordPress Quiz Maker Fixtures:

“WordPress Quiz Maker Pro” is a plugin designed to create quizzes on WordPress websites. While the specific features and fixtures of this plugin may have evolved since then, here are some common fixtures and functionalities that are typically associated with quiz-making plugins like WordPress Quiz Maker Pro:

  1. Quiz Creation: WordPress Quiz Maker Pro plugin allows you to create quizzes easily, including multiple-choice questions, true/false questions, open-ended questions, and more.
  2. Question Types: You can typically choose from various question types, such as single choice, multiple choice, true/false, fill in the blank, and short answer, to create diverse quizzes.
  3. Quiz Customization: Customize the appearance and layout of your quizzes to match your website’s design, including options for colors, fonts, and styling.
  4. Quiz Embedding: Easily embed quizzes into your WordPress posts or pages using shortcode or block integration.
  5. Quiz Logic: Implement conditional logic in quizzes to show different questions or results based on user responses.
  6. Grading and Scoring: Assign scores to questions and provide automatic grading for multiple-choice questions. Users can receive instant feedback on their quiz performance.
  7. Result Display: Show quiz results to users immediately upon completion, with explanations for correct and incorrect answers.
  8. Quiz Timer: Set time limits for quizzes to create timed assessments or quizzes with a specific duration.
  9. Question Randomization: Randomize the order of questions to prevent cheating and create unique quiz experiences for users.
  10. Feedback and Explanations: Provide feedback and explanations for correct and incorrect answers to enhance the learning experience.
  11. User Registration: Optionally require users to register or log in before taking a quiz, allowing you to collect user data and track performance.
  12. Export Results: Export quiz results and user data for analysis and reporting.
  13. Integration with Learning Management Systems (LMS): WordPress Quiz Maker Pro quiz plugin, offer integration with popular LMS plugins for advanced e-learning functionality.
  14. Responsive Design: Ensure that quizzes function well on various devices, including mobile phones and tablets.
  15. Analytics and Reporting: Track quiz performance and user responses with built-in analytics and reporting tools.
  16. Security Features: Implement security measures to prevent cheating or unauthorized access to quiz content.
  17. Accessibility: Ensure that quizzes are accessible to all users, including those with disabilities, by following accessibility standards.

Please note that the specific features and fixtures of WordPress Quiz Maker Pro may have evolved or expanded You can Check FreeWebCode For Recent Updates. I recommend visiting the documentation of the plugin or checking the WordPress Plugin From FreeWebCode.Com for the most up-to-date information on its features and functionalities.

WordPress Quiz Maker Pro v21.7.7 Free Download

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Quiz Maker Pro: v21.7.7
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