WordPress Plugins

WooCommerce Delivery & Pickup Date Time v1.4.12 Free

WooCommerce Delivery & Pickup Date By CodeRockz 1.4.12 Untouched

Free Download WooCommerce Delivery & Pickup Date Recent Update 1.4.12 September 16, 2023

  • Fixed: Shipping state and shipping country is not working properly when “Hide shipping address for pickup” option enabled.
  • Fixed: Delivery calendar and delivery reports order edit page is modified for HPOS.

September 11, 2023

  • Fixed: Error is showing on the Woocommerce > Emails tab.
  • Fixed: Infinite loading when only delivery/pickup time is enabled.

September 9, 2023

  • Added: Option for enabling all the possible dates if cart has special category product as well as regular product.
  • Added: Make the plugin compatible with Woocommerce HPOS.
  • Fixed: Basic delivery/pickup restriction notice is not showing.

WooCommerce Delivery & Pickup Date Features:

  1. Delivery Date and Time Selection: Customers can choose their preferred delivery date and time during the checkout process. This feature is particularly useful for businesses that offer scheduled deliveries, such as restaurants or florists.
  2. Pickup Locations: Store administrators can create and manage a list of pickup locations where customers can collect their orders. This is ideal for businesses with multiple physical pickup points or storefronts.
  3. Special Instructions: Customers have the option to provide specific instructions for their orders. This can include delivery preferences, special requests, or any additional information related to their order.
  4. Time Zone-Based Delivery/Pickup Information: Delivery and pickup information, including date and time, can be set based on the selected time zone, ensuring accurate scheduling for customers across different regions.
  5. Advanced Delivery Reports: The plugin includes an advanced Delivery Reports tab that allows administrators to manage all deliveries efficiently. It displays essential order details, including billing and shipping addresses, ordered product details, and more. Admins can mark orders as completed or delivered directly from this interface.

WooCommerce Delivery & Pickup Date Shipping Methods & Export:

  1. Product Quantity Report: Provides a report on the quantity of products that need to be prepared for delivery or pickup on specific days, helping businesses manage inventory and logistics effectively.
  2. Export as Excel Sheet: Easily export order details and product quantity information as an Excel sheet for further analysis and record-keeping.
  3. Delivery Calendar: A visual delivery calendar allows administrators to view and manage delivery and pickup orders, making it easier to plan and allocate resources efficiently.
  4. Delivery Fee and Shipping Methods: Set delivery fees for specific time slots or delivery dates, and even specify shipping methods for next available hours or minutes. This allows for dynamic pricing and shipping options based on customer preferences.
  5. Calendar Language: Choose from a variety of languages for the date selection calendar to make it more user-friendly for customers who speak different languages.

WooCommerce Delivery & Pickup Date Options Based on Cart Amount:

  1. Option for Selecting Home Delivery or Self Pickup: Customers can choose between home delivery and self-pickup options during the checkout process. Shipping methods are automatically adjusted based on this selection.
  2. Hide Delivery/Pickup Options Based on Cart Amount: Store administrators can hide delivery or pickup options until the cart reaches a specified minimum amount, encouraging larger orders.
  3. Free Shipping Restrictions: Control when the free shipping option is available by setting conditions based on cart amount, specific weekdays, or dates.
  4. Off Days: Specify certain days as “off days” when delivery or pickup is not available. These can be set separately for delivery and pickup.
  5. Advanced Off Days: Configure off days for specific product categories, shipping zones, states, or postal codes. Zone-wise off days can also be defined separately for delivery and pickup.

Custom Time Slots & User Role Exclusion:

  1. Special Open Days: Override regular off days for specific categories or products, allowing you to offer delivery or pickup on special occasions.
  2. Store Closing/Cut-off Time: Set a specific time as the store’s closing or cut-off time, after which customers cannot select the current day for delivery or pickup. Additional days for closing can also be specified.
  3. Custom Time Slots: Create and customize time slots to meet your business’s specific delivery or pickup schedule. Each time slot can have its own settings, such as maximum delivery/pickup, time slot fees, and more.
  4. Processing Days and Time Management: Specify processing days and times for products, ensuring that customers are aware of the lead time required for certain items. You can set different processing days and times for delivery and pickup.
  5. Category/Product/User Role Exclusion: Optionally exclude specific products, categories, or user roles from the delivery and pickup options based on your business needs.
  6. These features collectively provide a comprehensive solution for managing delivery and pickup logistics within your WooCommerce store, offering flexibility and convenience to both customers and administrators.

WooCommerce Delivery & Pickup Date Time v1.4.12

Delivery & Pickup Date Time: v1.4.12
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