WordPress Plugins

Admin Columns Pro – Manage Columns in WordPress v6.3.3 Free

Admin Columns Pro v6.3.3:

Download Admin Columns v6.3.3 – Manage Columns in WordPress Free Nulled
= v6.3.3 = Release Date: 30th August, 2023
* [Improved] Gravatar option added for the Last Modified Author column
* [Fixed] Deleting an HPOS order gave an error
* [Fixed] Use alias for joined tables in Sorting queries to prevent empty results
* [Fixed] Reset sorting for a table that has not yet saved settings was not possible

Admin Columns Pro Features:

Admin Columns Pro is a premium WordPress plugin that allows users to manage and customize columns in the WordPress admin dashboard. It enhances the default WordPress admin interface by giving you more control over the columns displayed in various sections of your WordPress admin, such as the posts, pages, users, and custom post type screens. Version 6.3.3 is a specific release of the plugin, and it might have introduced various improvements or bug fixes. Here are some of the key features and functionalities typically associated with Admin Columns Pro:

  1. Customize Admin Columns: Admin Columns Pro allows you to easily customize the columns displayed in the various admin screens, such as the list of posts, pages, users, media, and custom post types. You can add, remove, or reorder columns to fit your specific needs.
  2. Sortable Columns: It often provides the ability to make columns sortable, allowing you to sort and filter your content more efficiently.
  3. Filter and Search: You can use the plugin to create custom filters and search options for your admin columns, making it easier to find and manage your content.
  4. Edit Content Directly: Depending on the configuration, you may be able to edit content directly from the admin columns, eliminating the need to open each individual item for editing.
  5. Custom Field Integration: Admin Columns Pro often integrates with custom fields, so you can display and manage custom field data directly in the admin columns.
  6. Compatibility with Custom Post Types: It typically works seamlessly with custom post types, allowing you to customize columns for any content type on your WordPress site.
  7. Multisite Support: The plugin may offer support for WordPress Multisite, enabling you to customize admin columns across multiple sites within a network.
  8. Developer-Friendly: Admin Columns Pro is often developer-friendly, offering hooks and filters for advanced customization and integration with other plugins and themes.
  9. Export and Import: Some versions of the plugin may include export and import functionalities for column configurations, making it easier to migrate settings between sites.
  10. Responsive Design: It typically provides responsive column layouts, ensuring that your custom columns work well on various screen sizes and devices.

Please note that plugin features and updates can change over time. To get the most accurate and up-to-date information about the features and changes introduced in version 6.3.3 of Admin Columns Pro, I recommend referring to the official documentation or changelog provided by the plugin’s developer. Additionally, it’s essential to keep your plugins updated to benefit from the latest features and security enhancements.

Admin Columns Pro – Manage Columns in WordPress v6.3.3

Admin Columns Pro: v6.3.3
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